My take: The Possession of Michael King doesn’t add anything new to the possession/paranormal subgenre, but it is still a fun ride.

My rating: 3 out of 4 stars


Poster for The Possession of Michael King

The film follows Michael King (played by Shane Johnson), who is making a documentary about the occult. With snarky quips, he is determined to disprove any elements of the dark arts, which he believe indirectly led to the death of his wife.

As you can expect from the title, things do not go as planned for Mr. King, and he ends up possessed by a demon.

The plot is basic and expected and the found footage aspect is getting a bit overdone. However, the special effects and sound make the film interesting. The camera tricks alone made me jump a couple of times.

This is David Jung’s first major motion picture as a writer and as a director. Can we expect more scares from him in the future? I hope so.

Overall, I really enjoyed the film and would recommend it to anyone who likes films about possession, the occult, and/or demons.

Here is the trailer, which I don’t think does the movie justice: